Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Contact the Cork Airport Blog

I am contactable through Email and Twitter.

TWITTER: @jameszysull ~ or see link on right hand side 


EMAIL: corkairportspotting@gmail.com

I have lots of videos on my You Tube channel Cork Airport which can be viewed here.


  1. Hi James, like yourself I love to visit Cork Airport regularly. Do you know where I would find a list or timetable of when the larger aircraft might be visiting cork - A340's, B747, B757's etc?? I have been trying to find out for a long time now!!
    Thanks, John.

    1. Hi, how are ya? No you won't get a timetable on times of larger aircraft as they are not scheduled to operate out of Cork Airport. The only way you'll see large aircraft up there, is when there's an emergency landing or a charter flight etc.

      Thanks for contacting,

      Cork Airport Blog

    2. lol ur mom gay
